Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 Smartly Learner May 25, 2022 airlines 0 Comments Hello, friends! 8th March 2014. At 12:42 in the morning, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, took off from Kuala Lumpur....
How Uber Earn Money Case Study Smartly Learner March 09, 2022 cars 0 Comments Hello, friends! Today, getting taxis from Uber or Ola has become very common for us. Come, let's understand this in today's Blog. ...
Future of flying car | How it works Smartly Learner March 05, 2022 flying-car 0 Comments Hello, friends! About 60 or 70 years ago, when people were asked to imagine how the year 2020 would look, people imagined futuristic looki...
What is Metaverse how it works ? Smartly Learner February 21, 2022 metaverse 0 Comments What is Metaverse how does it work? Hello , friends! Imagine you meet with your family members or your friends, but not really, rather in ...
Iron and Steel Historical Background Smartly Learner February 09, 2022 iron-steel 0 Comments We take many of the things for granted these days, but as a materials engineer I have always found it incredible how much we take material...
How the Growth of tech company go's so high Smartly Learner February 07, 2022 tech 0 Comments Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft combined are worth about 9 trillion U.S Dollars, which is way more than the entire GDP of Ja...